@Whatsittuya wrote:
I didn't know where to put this But wanted to rant about some interesting science, and persuasion topics. And the topic today is about what the pua community refers to as state transference. So first I'll briefly describe the theory of it in the community, the science behind it.. And how it could potentially help you in sales, and stack with persuasion tactics to help you become more persuasive. Sound cool? Let's do this!
So the theory simply was this. What you feel the other person feels. In the pua community it was understood to get the women you needed to bring the fun, and be carefree. If you came up with bad body language, feeling extreme anxiety, and sad or something she would pick up on that and be made uncomfortable. women are far more receptive to the environment and stimulus, and are constantly pinging off the environment. Time for some evolutionary science! back in the days of tribes 10000 years ago. Women had to be very aware of their surroundings and be very receptive to what the men and other tribe members were doing. Incase someone spotted a predator and froze to avoid bringing attention to the group, women and men alike needed to be able to pick up on those quick shifts in actions. It's also another theory why males and females have different eye shapes. Men have tunnel vision for spotting prey, and predators in the distance, and women have a much wider view (I believe it's a 45 degree angle all around that allows her to take in more of the environment) which is a reason why guys get caught checking out women even though women do it almost as much as men. Also evolutionarily speaking state transference explains why women can easily pick up on social cues more than men. One reason was because women had to be able to form connections with their babies, and know when the baby needed something, be aware of predators, and if a men was a potential threat. It's also why if someone is absolutely annoyed or agitated you kind of feel that energy their putting off, and you begin to feel agitated as well.
So how does state transference work?
Well there's this fun little thing in your brain called a mirror neuron and this sucker does so much it's almost unreal. Going back in time before communication we used and developed our mirror neuron to learn from our fellow species. It's how we learned to make tools, write, and form communication. By being able to watch and mimic we advanced our thinking capabilities. Which explains why most people learn by watching and doing. It's almost a universal way learning. But our mirror neurons in our brains since those days have evolved way beyond just mimicking how to make tools. Like previously stated it communicates to your unconscious how the person your talking to is feeling, and if y'all are getting along very well You sync up build rapport through this subconscious communication. The mirror neuron allows you to pick up on body language and goes even further than that. If you spend enough time with a person, through osmosis you will begin to behave like them, whether it's in speech patterns, or attitudes.
There's a saying that states "you are the average of the 5 people you associate yourself with" and that's very true which is why in the pua community it was stressed to be around positive uplifting people because who you hang around the most whether you want it or not, you will begin picking up some behaviors. You exert yourself on the environment but the environment is also exerting it's force on you.So how does this knowledge help in sales well if people pick up on your excitement and behavior. Subconsciously they will pick up if you actually believe that what your selling is of quality, or if your just going through the motions to try and pitch this to them In hopes you'll convince them. At the store I use to work at they had me sample all the foods before I sold anything, and all the things I liked and thought was the bomb I sold more of than anything else. Why? well to tie this into body language. When you speak about something you like. There's a level of passion, in your tonality, facial expressions, and body language that is hard to fake and come across as congruent with, and the person subconsciously will pick up on that and believe that what you're selling has value to him/ her Simply because you emphasis the value of what your selling by how you talk about it. Real estate agents combine this with persuasion techniques to close deals with buyers. My friend usually goes to the house he wants to sell first. Find everything he likes about it, and the surrounding area, and put emphasis on those things. To stack onto that he will usually show some houses that are the same price or higher, and aren't of the same quality first and then show the house he wants to sell and due to the comparison bias In people's brain stacked with the law of state transference he can close the deal fairly easy.
So what are areas in your life that you've unconsciously used this without knowing and it worked, and how could you apply this now to your daily life?
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